Software with Support for FHI-aims
GIMS: Graphical interface for materials simulations |
A universal force engine interface written in Python |
FHI-vibes: A python package for the vibrational properties of solids from first principles |
Atomic Simulation Environment |
Pymatgen (Python Materials Genomics) |
Cc4s: Coupled Cluster for Solids |
Object-oriented Python library to analyze trajectories from molecular dynamics simulations |
Core level spectroscopy simulation methods in FHI-aims |
GAtor: A genetic algorithm for structure prediction of molecular crystals |
BOSS: Active learning technique for global exploration of energy and property phase space, and for accelerated structure determination |
effmass: Python package for calculating various definitions of effective mass from the electronic bandstructure of a semiconducting material. |
SEAMM: User-friendly software package for the atomistic simulations of organic molecules, biological systems, fluids, synthetic polymers, and materials such as metals and metal oxides, semiconductors, ceramics and alloys. |
External Libraries in FHI-aims
FHI-aims is using and relying on a number of open-source libraries, to whom we are immensely grateful. The full list is shown below.
3Drotations | Caliper |
M_strings | PLUMED |
AITRANSS | atom_sphere |
autoGR | cuba-cuhre |
density_functional_repository | elsi_interface |
greenX | i-PI |
kdtree2 | libMBD |
Libxc | mctc-lib |
mstore | rdirac |
s-dftd3 | Spglib |
test-drive | toml-f |
TREXIO | Voro++ |
PEXSI | NTPoly |
EigenEXA | libOMM |
MAGMA | dftatom |