FHI-aims-club Registration

Important notice before you register:

By registering with the FHI-aims club, you confirm that you are aware of and agree to the terms of the FHI-aims license agreement that has been signed by your group. The signed license agreement is binding for each group and its members. Before you register, please familiarize yourself with the terms that apply to each user of FHI-aims: [FHI-aims license conditions].

Password Requirements: Your password should have a length of 8-20 characters and contain at least one upper case character and one digit. 


For technical support regarding the aimsclub web site please contact: aims-coordinators.

For any advice on how to install, run, or otherwise use the FHI-aims code, please join our two more active community sites, the FHI-aims slack channel and the FHI-aims gitlab development server. Please ask aims-coordinators for access to these sites. As a user of a group with an FHI-aims license, please still register here in aimsclub as a member of your group.