How to understand this CHANGELOG (and FHI-aims):

Here, we list a rough overview of recent changes in FHI-aims. A complete record of is available directly through the FHI-aims GitLab. Every user is welcome and encouraged to gain access to the FHI-aims GitLab. The GitLab repository is also the location where bug fixes, improvements etc. will be made available.

A final general note: Please have a look at the growing Wiki in the FHI-aims GitLab. You’ll find helpful information about compiling and running FHI-aims: https://aims-git.rz-berlin.mpg.de/aims/FHIaims/-/wikis/home

Changes since release version 231212

Several small changes/fixes:

Changes since release version 221103_1

DFPT refactorization

Connor Box

DeltaSCF refactoring

Sam Hall and Dylan Morgan

Ab initio simulations of tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Yair Litman, Alaa Akkoush

Minimal + s basis implementation

Elisabeth Keller

GreenX Library

Francisco Delesma

Optimization of periodic GW

Florian Merz, Min-Ye Zhang

MultiPole Expansion (MPE) implicit solvent model for periodic systems

Pavel Stishenko, Jakob Filser

Atomic Simulations Interface (ASI) API

Pavel Stishenko

ELSI interface for spin-orbit coupling

Uthpala Herath

Further improvements of RPA Forces

Muhammad Tahir

Further developments

News from the FHI-aims ecosystem

Graphical Interface for materials simulations: GIMS

Andrey Sobolev

New tutorials